Elemental Illumination

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Full Moon Blessings at the End of April!

The full moon on Sunday April 29, 2018 at 9° Scorpio exemplifies  stability and success. The Full Moon on April 29/30 2018  focuses on the benefits of the planet Saturn which are preparedness, steadiness, determination and final success. 

Fun Fact! Spring is here and with the warmer weather it’s time to get out an Moon Gaze! April's Full Moon on April 29th in the US and April 30th for Europe marks the arrival of the "Pink Moon". Named by some American Indian tribes for the little pink flowers called Wild Ground Phlox that appear in the meadows at this time of the year. Meaning of a Full Moon!

A full moon occurs when the sun is opposite of the moon. This highlights opposing forces or polarities in your life such as your work versus home, or what you need versus what you want. Inner tension and external pressures can lead to personal conflict and crises that drain your energy. Your home, family and intimate relationships comes into sharper focus following a full moon.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. Use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony. My advice? Follow your gut!

This full moon can make you feel protective of your family and partner. You will show how much you care for them in practical ways, not through public displays of emotion. Your task is to give comfort through food, shelter and just simply being there.  Sharing more serious emotions with a loved one is ideal at this time. Carry out your duties and responsibilities with care and patience. This is a good full moon for making new partnerships binding, formal and legal. It is a good full moon for tradition, ritual and ceremony....whatever that looks like to you!

Sending you much love and light~~~

You got this!
