Elemental Illumination

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Three Step Process for Meditation!

I am often asked how to meditate. Meditation is not an easy feat and takes practice!! I have broken down meditation into three simple steps for you and I hope this helps you. Before you start, please find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Many times when I enter a meditation, I lie down, as I find I can relax easier that way. Make sure that you will have NO interruptions for at least 15 minutes. If you would like to play music, you can, but I find it as a distraction. I start listenining to the words of the song and memories start flooding in, which keeps me from meditating. Ok! Here we go in 3 easy steps:

Beginning: To Reflect. Mentally reflect upon an image/scene in your mind. Something that brings you peace. Visualize it with deep peace that you have in your mind. How does it make you feel? Focus on your senses. How does it make you feel? What sounds accompany this scene?

Middle: To Concentrate. Think only about this image/scene. Work very hard to not let your mind wander.  Stay as focused as possible. This is one reason I do not listen to music. I find it distracting. You may not. 

End: To Meditate. Allow yourself to dig deeper. You may feel like you are falling asleep.  You will feel like you  are actually in the scene and part of the image.  A connection will occur. At this time you may ask a question. "What message is this image/scene trying to tell me?" When seeking guidance in mediation, remain open.  Listen. If an answer does not come to you, don't get discouraged. True meditation takes practice!

I hope you find this three step process helpful. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Sending you all much love and light~~~T