Elemental Illumination

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How Runes Work!

Runes provide you the opportunity to enter energy fields that are available to all humans. They allow you to shift energy patterns of life events into a more desirable form. This becomes easier to understand when we consider recent scientific findings. We must remember that we live in a sea of energies! Energy is real and it is always around us taking many forms. Next, developing theories of the universe as a hologram (think Star Wars!) allow us to envision the ability to change life patterns by the application of sufficient energy under the direction of our sheer human will!

May people have heard the following statement. “To solve a problem, you must move to a higher level than the one on which the problem occurs.” My dad said that to my often. When you use runic energy, this idea is taken one step further. The rune symbols activate deeper levels of the unconscious mind. This allows us to access mysterious energy fields that will benefit the practitioner in one or all of three ways:

  1. Runes RESTORE original patters in your personal energy field. They restore those that are progressive toward your greater good and those that will assist to cancel our negative patterns that are stored in the body. An example of this would be a negative habit that you have.

  2. Runes ACTIVATE protective shields within your personal energy field that will shield you from harmful acts of others that can be either intentional or unintentional. They will also protect you from people and things that attempt to take your energy from you. Who does not need a little more protection!

  3. Finally, Runes AWAKEN psychological archetypes within your unconscious, which give you greater mental power, more physical energy, or other skills which contribute to you overcoming a challenge with enhanced natural skills

Working with Runes is so incredible. Patience really is the key. Once you start “thinking runically”….. that is where the magic happens. When you are comfortable working with them, you will find they activate energies depending on which Rune you are working with. They can have an amazing affect in an area of challenge! If your preferred outcome does not happen right away…. do not get discouraged! Practice. Practice. Practice. Your desired out come will come to the forefront soon enough!