Elemental Illumination

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Right Is Not Always Easy!

Well isn’t that the truth?! And that is absolutely ok! What makes the “right” thing the hardest deem to be OK?

I will tell you what. YOU CAN ASK FOR HELP! How fantastic is that?!?!??! We can’t always ask someone else for help. Why? Unfortunately, many of us struggle to ask for help due to fear, nonsense outcomes we have already played out in our heads, or worrying that we are going to look less than, because we had to ask for help. That my friends is called 3-D thinking. No thank you! So then, in turn, I have asked myself……what CAN I DO? I can call on the energies of three specific Runes that are heavy hitters with HELP! I know this to be true because I have called on them in the past with great success. I know that each Rune can infuse a different type of energy stream into what I am trying to accomplish to get to the end goal of asking for help. If you are curious to what those three Runes are, let me share them with you and break them down very simply.

The first Rune I call out is LAGUZ. The second is ANSUZ. The final Rune is MANNAZ. Here is why:

LAGUZ will give you access to your unconscious.

ANSUZ will bring forth enhanced communication.

MANNAZ will allow you to seek great wisdom.

When you put them all together they fit like a beautiful puzzle. Laguz will give you access to your unconscious, which in turn will bring forth enhanced communication, which will allow you to seek great wisdom! You will feel courageous enough to ask for the help you need! This is such a simple tool to use. If you don’t own a set of Runes to pull these three from to work with that is OK!!! You can always draw them on a piece of paper, fold the paper, and carry it with you. Often I will draw the Runes I am working with on top of my drink. I imagine me infusing the energies into my drink as I trace them into my water, which will then fill my entirety. Lastly, often I just envision them in my head. What they look like to me. I ask myself what I need help with and then envision the three Runes together giving me courage to ask for the help I need from whomever or whatever I need it from. They are like having your own personal cheerleader!

Do not let me stop you from getting creative on how you use these three Runes together! Get creative and have fun with them! Most importantly, allow them to infuse that helpful energy right into and through you! Asking for help can be less intimidating. Sometimes we all just need a little extra dose of accessing, bringing forth, and allowing!