Elemental Illumination

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Increasing Your Luck!

In the Northern Way, Luck is defined as a mobile magical force. This energy is a vital breath. However ,in the Northern Path, this universal energy is given a unique individual identification. This energy is called MEGIN. MEGIN is defined as a personal force distinct from physical power or strength, the possession of which assures success and good fortune. MEGIN is stored in an energy within the aura of a person called the HAMINGJA. The hamingja is an integral part of one’s personal aura that gives the entire field greater potency and much more flexibility for workings of human will. It is a holding tank for the storage of your megin energies.

As a holding tank, the walls of the holding tank have possibilities to make it as effective as possible to hold the MEGIN. The walls of the Hamingja can be strengthened. Its capacity to hold energy can be increased and finally it can be tasked to let go of its energy in a send off under the determination of an illuminated self.

Here are three ways to increase your luck (megin).

  1. Stop Excess Drainage- Do not scatter your attention on trivial points. Displaying negative emotion will cause unnatural drainage of your hamingja. Always try to capture any discharge of energy that normally would escape from any excessive emotional expressions. Remember that the eyes are the windows to your soul. Be mindful of what you are seeing. ……

  2. Add To Your Storage of Energy-You must build up your hamingja and its backup (storage) of energy. You may ask how. Draw from the energy of the sun. It is incredibly powerful. Touch growing plants and trees on their new growth to absorb some of their energies into your hamingja. Take part in deep breathing exercises, which will gather more energy of your hamingja. Partake in physical exercise and proper eating habits to maintain food health and vitality.

  3. Continually Picture the Build Up of Energy- See the area of concentration expanding to accommodate your energy. Positive energy takes space. You will always need the capacity for the discharge of energy, so that there is the ability to be refilled again. This takes concentration because the hamingja is a very valuable mental tool for solving the problems of life. This can be caused by the lack of megin energy to influence life events.

It takes just a moment of focused concentration to shift your awareness to a level beyond the physical. You must make an attempt every day. Please attempt to singularly focus your mind beyond the normal state of casual observance for an intense moment or two . Have you developed a special mental vision to increase your megin?