Elemental Illumination

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Protection With The Valkyrie

Protection is something you hear talked often about these days. Especially with everything going on in the world. Times are challenging. Times are scary. Times are unknown. Times are unstable. Times are dangerous. I don’t mess around with energy during times like this. I call on positive energy and The Valkyrie. Everyone has different things, gods, goddesses, entities, and/or spirits that ask for support from. Dwellers in the angelic realism of consciousness have appeared in the scared literature of the world as holy ones, devas, shining ones, messengers, sons and daughters of the Divine, spirits, and angels. In the Northern tradition, these dwellers are called the Valkyrie. They serve as communicators between the heavenly realms and humankind!

Odin’s special tribe was known as the Valykrie. They were usually his daughters or the offspring of mortal kings—-maidens who were privileged to remain immortal and invulnerable as long as they remained loyal. That seems like a fair trade off! They were VERY often called “Shield Maidens” who watched over and protected the Viking warriors as they went out to sea and into battle. In Northern mythology, the Valkyrie is personified as female. She was independent and capable of going forth on her own and acting in ways the ordinary person was unaware. The Valkyrie were known as divine beings who taught humankind the many levels of the higher realms. They taught human kind the skills in Runecraft.

As “choosers of the slain”, they crept through the battlefields to choose among the slain those heroes worthy to taste the joys of Valhalla. They chose those who would be brave enough to lend aid to the gods when the great last battle of Ragnarok should be fought. They escorted the fallen warriors over Bitfrost, which was the bridge of shimmering light between Middle Earth and the Higher Worlds. If you can, envision them as young and beautiful, with long arms and flowing long hair. They wore helmets of silver and gold and had spears and shields glittering as they rode through the battlefields on beautiful strong horses that raced through the realms of air and over the bridge Bitfrost. Think of the latest WonderWoman movie!!!!

The Valkerie is an archetypal image that the rational mind uses to comprehend complex energy constructs within the mind of the human, as well as their soul. The image is seen as having the same functions of a messenger, protector, guardian, and teacher. The Valkyrie can best be understood as a guiding and guarding spirit who has intense and mystical wisdom. This is one reason why I call on them often. They are badass warriors and that is exactly what I want backing me up and protecting me. I see them as teachers and have great respect for them. Just as in other traditions that contain angelic beings as messengers and protectors, the Valkyrie are given the abilities to provide instruction to their human beings in the mysteries of life.

The Valkyrie are very well suited to teach the workings of the Runes, which contain the keys to Life as we experience it here on Earth. These mysterious northern symbols can be taught through the Valkyrie and the Earth mysteries. One must first have an understanding of the Rune lore, which is not difficult to acquire. The internet is an amazing resource to learn more. I will also be writing more blog posts delving further into Rune Lore. The Valkyrie is best knows for her function as Guardian and Protector. In this position, she is closely tied to the rune ELHAZ, which is #15 in the 24 Elder Futhark Runes. ELZAH activates the energies of the Valkyrie for protection. ELHAZ is the rune of the Valkyrie.

ELHAZ activates the power of attraction and union between the human mind and the Higher Self. It brings a force of protection and wisdom that can only come from a linkage with your personal divinity. The Valkyrie as guardian is a direct link between you and your ultimate source of inspiration…..your God within. The spiritual force generated by this rune strengthens the outer layers of the hamingja. The hamingja is an energy field within the aura specifically defined in the Northern tradition which acts as a shield, from which the title “Shield Maiden” comes from.

Many of us realize that the solution to a problem is always higher than the problem itself. By connecting with your Valkyrie, you lift the vibrational level of your consciousness to a higher plane. This will inadvertently reveal the proper solution, thus protecting you from harm. YES PLEASE!