Elemental Illumination

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Overcoming Limitations!

It is said and known that as humans, we are designed to stay healthy, create adequate supply to meet living needs, and maintain emotional balance. If that is true, why do we experience limited results from our most strenuous exertions? The mystery rests not with the lack of talent, willpower, or desire, but rather in the accumulated blockages we have allowed, for whatever reason, to enter and grow within our mind. By taking action to removed these blockages to flow, we can rightfully assume we will experience more of our natural heritage of abundance. We are incredibly deserving of that abundance.

With that being said, we may like to add that while the solution sounds simple, it certainly is not easy. Each of these thought forms of limitation have developed a condition of attachment within our auric energy system. Or to put it another way, we have invested a significant amount of emotional energy into creation of these thought forms. That can make it quite difficult to simply brush them aside. However, they do yield to reason and truth, sometimes rapidly— when presented with the right shift in perspective.

With that in mind, what follows is the five most significant reasons why many people fail to achieve and/or self sabotage. Each of these is followed by a simple, most sensible counterpoint. If you will allow these counterpoints to take up residence within your psyche, you may find that they work to dilute your limitation thought forms like the sun melts snow in the spring, or strength of water dilutes even the most harmful of chemicals.

  1. FEAR OF FAILURE~~So many times you limit yourself because you do not even try due to fear! Well you definitely are not going to accomplish anything if you do nothing. Think about it. Failure is ok. Why? Because from failure comes very valuable lessons.

  2. WORRY~~Studies show that on average, our of any one hundred things that you worry about, ninety-two of them DO NOT come true. Of the eight that do come true, four turn out to be positive and the four others turn out negative. Thus, you have a 96 percent chance that anything you worry about will have little or no ill effects! So why in the hell would you choose to waste emotional energy on worry?

  3. SENSE OF UNWORTHINESS~~The remedy for this crap is to increase your sense of worthiness. There are so many resources in self image to help increase confidence through promoting changes in behavior, dress, etc, but they are poor substitutes for fixing the problem at the causative level. Simply said, the sense of unworthiness comes from spiritual uncertainty. To fix spiritual uncertainty, one needs to continually study and meditate upon an accurate cosmology .Once’s sense of worthiness is considerable improved when you understand your spiritual, mental, and physical relationship with the Creative Life Force in all its manifestations and to the mysteries of Earth. With this understanding, you achieve the confidence of alignment that brings out your true worthiness.

  4. GUILT~~Guilt in its thousands of manifestations in the human psyche and within our culture is the consequence of a mistaken cosmology that has humankind assuming the guilt of the “Original Sin”. It is absolved with accurate answers to the mysteries of life. Guilt is not a natural state of mind. In human relations, guilt can be overcome with the practice of forgiveness and the application of Love to oneself. True love is the magic medicine for so much.

  5. INSECURITY~~Insecurity causes hesitation in taking the required action necessary to bring your dreams into reality. Most insecurity is caused by the fear of what other people will think of you in your new activity. Think about this: Why do you care about what other people think about you? They don’t! Who gives a shit what others think. The only thing that matters is originally what YOU think. The rest will fall into play after you respect and love yourself first.

We live within an emotional cultural trance that asks for, even requires, conformance to others opinions, ideas, and dictates. To some degree or another, we are all conditioned by this damn illusion. To break it apart, you must think and act boldly in accordance with the unique note that sounds from your Inner Being! Love yourself. Trust yourself. Respect yourself. Remove those limitations that you are putting on yourself. I know you can. I believe in you. ~Traci