Elemental Illumination

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The Importance of Sacred Space!

Our lives are so busy and noisy that we often forget about the healing power of silence. When we're out in the world, it's not usually possible to control the noise level. Having a designated space in your home for prayer, meditation, or private reflection can be a constant reminder of how important it is to cultivate this sense of awe and wonder in your life.  At home, we can usually turn down the noise, but why not take it a step further and create a sacred space of peacefulness and healing?

You can get started creating a sacred space by following a few simple steps:

  1. Discover what "sacred" means to you. Do you need a space for yoga, meditation or spiritual connection? To me, sacred means uplifting, peaceful and spiritual. Sacred is often used for religious meanings because we traditionally have considered God, and the things of God, worthy of respect and highly important. Sacred also can mean entitled to and worthy of reverence and respect, highly valued and important.

  2. Dedicate a spot in your home that can become sacred. It doesn't have to be a whole room. It can be a corner of a room, a coffee table, or any other space you can find. When you are there alone it's sacred. When your family or friends are in the space it's just as sacred, but in a very different way!

  3. Create your own altar. Find personal items which are meaningful to you. Next to my candles, pictures, and statues, I have a small pieces of sea glass that I have collected through the years. I can recall beautiful memories tied to each one. Here are some other ideas for what to place in your space: a vision board, postcards, travel souvenirs, plants, devotional statues, divination tools, religious/spiritual books, prayer beads, incense, bells and essential oils. The possibilities are endless!

  4. Surround yourself with inspirational icons. Fill your space with meaningful quotes, spiritual symbols, calming music, plants, and any other items that uplift your spirit. Connecting with our spiritual selves opens up the doorway of ease to walk through when stresses come our way.

  5. Create a ritual. Once you've created your sacred space, how will you honor it? Will you use it to meditate for a few minutes every morning? Will you just sit, with your eyes closed, enjoying a few minutes of peace and quiet? Your ritual can be simple or extensive, but whatever you elect to do- make it meaningful to you. When you feel ready, you can take some time to set a positive intention for the space that you’ve made. You can use a favorite meditation, mantra or prayer. You can also spend some time reflecting on the significance of each of the sacred objects in your space. Invoke the sacredness of your space by lighting a candle with intention. You can play your favorite music. Do some breathing exercises by breathing deeply to release the stresses of the day.

Take a few minutes to bring peacefulness and healing into your home by creating sacred space. It's not hard to do and has immense rewards. Allow your space to evolve over time. Find more things to place in it and clear out items that aren’t as useful to you anymore. Create new rituals and intentions for it as your own spiritual practice grows. Whether you’re religious, non-religious, or anything in between, a sacred space can help you pause, unplug, and reflect on the only work that really matters: loving your life and those around you, practicing gratitude, and being kind to yourself! Most importantly? Make it fun and enjoyable! Choice is yours!