Elemental Illumination

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Wonders of the Wishing Stone!

Identifying and Using Your Wishing Stones

The common lore on wishing stones is that they can be any size or shape, and are uniform in color except for a solid white band encircling the entire stone. This band can be of any thickness, but there should only be one and it should be unbroken. That unique white ring makes these stones somewhat rare, but unmistakable. What is that white line in the rock?  They are called bands, stripes or veins and are quartz or calcite.  The lines form as a result of pressure within the crust, like a fracture and the quartz fills it. This is the description I have always been told, but of course, if I find a stone with two bands, I consider that extra lucky!

As soon as I learned about wishing stones, I wanted to collect as many as I could. This gave me a heap load of practice finding them and the more I went on the hunt— then that white band became quite eye-catching and I could find them quickly! It is kind of like when you want to buy a certain make and model of a car in a particular color—you start seeing them often! I soon became a hunter of the wishing stone professional! It truly is so much fun and kind of becomes like a challenging game on how many you can find!

Location is not a problem because wishing stones can be found anywhere. If you just want to give the stones a try, head somewhere a little less populated and start searching there. I adore when things have significance to me, so when I collect them, I try to go to places that feel special to me. It's not entirely necessary, but it adds to the experience and makes my stones a little more meaningful. This can be a solitary activity or you can bring friends or family. I seem to often go alone or with my boys. The beach is where I seem to come across the most wishing stones, although I have had some luck on hikes out in Mother Nature!

Once I had very first started out toward working toward collecting my wishing stones, I wondered what the heck to do with them! I am a firm believer that there is not one right or wrong way. Do what feels right to you. Follow your gut/intuition. Your energy will guide you, which in turn makes it more magical and intentional.

I would love to share with you, a couple ideas on working with your stone once you have experienced the excitement of finding one! Hold your wishing stone tightly in your left hand, which is your receiving hand, warming it slightly. Then close your eyes, and as you say your wish aloud, turn the stone end-over-end in your hand three times to charge it with your intention. When finished, hold the stone with your right hand, which is your sending hand. You can then go ahead and either throw or place the stone where ever you feel called. Imagine yourself throwing/placing your good intentions into the universe, knowing they will come to fruition. Do feel free to take your wishing stone home with you if that feels right to you. Most of the time, I throw mine back into the ocean with my intention or I bury it in Mother Nature. However, there are those times I am called to bring them home and place them in my sacred space until I feel their work is done. I usually then go and put them in my garden outside, or place them in my potted plants around my home. When I see them around my home and garden, it is always a special reminder of the magic that lies within the wishing stone! The point is…. do whatever feels right to YOU! May all your wishes that lie within your wishing stones come true!
