Elemental Illumination

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The Importance of Ritual!

A Ritual requires your full presence and attention. Rituals are sacred & powerful because they exceed what is being done presently. There’s an intention, energy, and commitment behind them. There’s connection, awareness, and devotion. These are conscious acts that are being done with confidence and awareness (different than a habit), that will have a positive impact in the future. Rituals are of utter importance.

Rituals are important to one’s emotional wellness (especially in these anxious times) because the repetition of enacting each ritual provides a focal point from distraction. It gives a level of comfort and familiarity along with an opportunity to demonstrate reverence for being in the moment….with each passing moment.

Rituals are inherent in the spiritual belief system of many cultures. In the Buddist faith, Malas are used as a prayer ritual, while other faiths go to reciting the Rosary, to the Pagan way of opening and closing circles, to the celebratory dances of certain native tribes. It all serves the same purpose: to elevate one's physical and emotional consciousness in order to achieve self attunement with the source of our creation.

If you do not participate in a formalized spiritual ritual, that is ok! It does not have to be spiritual. You may find yourself acquiring the same or comparable plateau through other means of "perpetual meditation" such as running, swimming or dancing, yoga, or other forms of creative and artistic expression.  That is perfectly ok! I have a morning ritual that I do every single day. In the morning, I make my herbal hot tea infusion, walk outside putting my feet in the grass to get grounded, and say three things out loud that I am grateful for in that moment! It is simple yet so incredibly effective.

Rituals are an important part of one’s practice in everyday life. Through rituals, one can attune themselves to the rhythms of nature, create community, celebrate life passages, and make the magic happen. Also, through rituals one can deepen their relationship with their Source in many different forms…..however, that suites them. One will find with consistent practice of rituals that they will flourish and evolve! YES PLEASE!

Make your day an amazing one. I believe in you. So should you! ~Traci