Elemental Illumination

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The Magic Of The Mala!

Mala beads have been around for thousands of years, created in India over 3,000 years ago. They are rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism and are meant to help you focus your mind during meditation. They are an incredibly valuable tool I use in my practice every single day.

Mala beads traditionally have 108 beads. The largest bead, in the center, is known as the guru. It is said to hold the energy generated during your practice. The number is often described as the numerical equivalent of “Om,” one of the most important spiritual sounds in meditation. Also, the relationship between your inner and outer environment is described by the 108 beads. Traditionally, a mala is a strand of 108 beads used in meditation and prayer. Mala means “garland” in Sanskrit, and the 108 beads are spiritually significant in India. 108 represents the whole of the universe, according to Vedic cosmology. There are 108 letters used in the Sanskrit alphabet, 108 sacred texts of the Upanishads, 108 holy sites in India, and many more correspondences…. including 108 chakra points in our bodies.

Mala beads have great spiritual meaning, which makes them an important piece of mindful meditation. They can have a big effect on how you approach your mental health by helping you focus your thoughts on finding your true inner self. They have a deep connection to mental grounding and opening your mind to spirituality. Meditation is meant to connect you to your deeper inner self, and it’s great for stress reduction. Regular meditation also helps you manage your emotions and attention span. They have been extremely beneficial for me when I am feeling especially anxious.

Using mala beads can help you be intentional with your mindful meditation. Just a few of the benefits are:

Stress reduction. Studies have shown that regular meditation eases anxiety and depression symptoms. Meditation  can also help reduce pain, which may be a cause of psychological problems. 

Physical health benefits. Regular meditation and yoga can also help your physical health by reducing your blood pressure, heart rate, and even cholesterol. Mindful meditation improves blood flow to your brain, which helps it function better.

Less need for medications. Using mala beads in meditation can reduce your need for medications as you get older. Working on your mental and physical health as you age may prevent symptoms of future conditions! I think we all want to partake in preventative care.

Cognitive benefits. Practicing effective meditation is good for cognition. Some studies have shown that meditation improves focus and memory. It also can help delay cognitive decline and dementia as you get older. Being that my Pops passed from Alzheimer’s, this is a big benefit for me.

Using a mala is not difficult!

  1. Hold your mala with one hand.

  2. Let it drape across your fingers so you can move it easily.

  3. Complete one full breath (inhale and exhale) and then quietly say one word for your intention (love, prosperity, health).

  4. Move your fingers to the next bead, breathing in and out, repeating the word, once per bead.

  5. Finish at the guru bead to complete 108 breaths. At the guru bead, I always say, “And so it is.”

Starting mindfulness early with mala beads and meditation can have lasting impacts later in life. Mala beads are a great supplement to your journey to a higher self. Mala beads aren't just for seasoned spiritual practicing people. Beginners can use them as tools to start practicing meditation! Using the beads to count your mantras helps you focus and improve your attention. I recommend malas to so many of my clients who desperately want to improve their meditation skills. The mala has yet to let myself or my clients down!