Elemental Illumination

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Grounded Through Elements

Sometimes your only solution is to stand and fight. Plant your feet so deep in place with confidence.
Feel the energy you gather from the strength of Mother Earth. Hear your inner voice as it has incredible clarity. Close your eyes for a moment and truly listen to what your soul is speaking to you. It is wise beyond measure. It knows you better than you think. Trust that.

Feel the fire inside you as it burns away the bullshit of what was. It moves quietly. Feel the air that blows through you to make space for the goodness that is coming. Feel the water wash over you to cleanse you for what will be. There is incredible sovereignty in this process. Suddenly, you will experience the magic in this new dimension of insight.

You are loved, protected, and at peace. If you persist in these efforts, you will achieve greatness within yourself. Let your dreams remain alive and allow your soul to be set free to fly free. The choice is yours. I believe in you. So should you.
