Elemental Illumination

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New Moon Magic!

A new Moon is essentially the opposite of a full Moon. During a full Moon, we see the side of the Moon that is being illuminated by the Sun, giving the Moon its bright, glowing appearance. During a new Moon, however, we see the side of the Moon that is not being illuminated by the Sun, which makes the Moon blend in with the night sky. It seems to simply disappear.

When the Moon is “new,” it’s located between the Earth and the Sun. In other words, the Moon is in line with the Sun, and the Sun and Earth are on opposite sides of the Moon. Since new moons happen once a month and signify the beginning of a cycle, you can think of them as a cosmic restart. The new moon is an ideal time to set intentions and goals that you'll develop as the moon waxes toward fullness! It is an exciting time! Connecting to these lunar energies can provide grounding and a sense of direction.

The new Moon is commonly known as a time to initiate beginnings. Something to also be mindful of is that when the new Moon occurs, it not only begins a new cycle, but also ends the phase that came before. We are reminded to reflect on the cyclical nature of reality, how every beginning is an end, and how we are in a constant relationship with the filling up and pouring out that life asks of us.

From a psychological perspective, the Sun represents awareness and consciousness, which is the expression of light that emanates from Source. The Moon represents our emotions that reflect our experience of that light. The new Moon can bring us into a careful investigation of how our emotions continue to ebb and flow within the steady light of awareness. Highlighted by darkness, the new Moon is when we lose our ability to see the reflected light that illuminates what needs to be seen. Only if we build relationship with the darkness will we move forward. During the new Moon, allow your awareness to cleanse and reset your emotional body. Go within for the answers. Get silent. Listen to that voice in that beautiful mind of yours. The messages are abundant.

At the precise time of the new Moon, there is complete darkness. Consider the time and experiences that has come before the new Moon, what you have let go of, and Iask in the darkness of getting silent to be shown what is forthcoming. When you practice this, you will receive an awareness into the natural process that is unfolding, with less fear. This will then allow you to connect with what is more inline with what is energetically meant for you. In times of darkness, again, become more silent, still, and allow yourself to receive the seed that you will then plant as the light of the Moon reappears. Experience your time from a place of curiosity versus coming at it with what you think is supposed to happen. The energy will most certainly surprise you!