Life Lessons

What you learn in life is so powerful. Experiences grant you wisdom. It is incredible how much you grow through experiences. Things that get stuck in your mind. Stay every present. You see others ignorance and you just don't give a fuck anymore.  You hear me and accept me for me or my train just keeps moving. I don't get caught up on losses anymore with people. If they are not meant to be at my table of life, there is a reason for that. Is is called self-preservation.  For the love of the Gods and Goddesses, if you have not learned that life lesson yet, I hope you do someday soon. Putting your life, decisions, money matters in someone else's hands is just ludicrous. Seriously. Take responsibility for your happiness. This is your life to live. You are unique and amazing! Asking permission of another human being for you to BE YOU----is beyond me.  Maybe it is caused by one's upbringing and life experiences. What I do know is that it is about life choices. Your choices. Do what feels right to you. Society is a funny thing. Fitting into its norms. I was raised by older parents. Devout Catholics. Took me years to break free. To be me and to not give a fuck about being judged by others who at the time --I thought were my friends. Funny how when you become independent and clear in your beliefs and not the society norms, how people judge. The best advice I can give you is this.You be you. And I will be me. Much respect and lots of love. ~T