Throat Chakra Shadow Integration

We are well on our way into shadow season! So often we find that are throat chakra is out of alignment or completely shut off once we start doing deep shadow work! How do we fix that? Well first we need to have a clear understanding of the throat chakra and the job that it can do for us.

As many of you may already know, the throat chakra is blue. It is the element of air that carries sound and vibration. The throat chakra is related to your truth, authenticity, purpose and personal expression. These are all ideals that many of us try and wrap our head around when doing shadow work. The throat chakra is the first of the upper chakras—the other two being your third eye and crown chakra. These chakras are more aligned to the spiritual than the physical realms.

In the lower chakras (root, sacral and solar plexus), the dark shadow qualities come from having an abundance of the energy of that particular chakra. With the upper chakras it is the exact opposite. The dark shadow qualities in the upper chakras come from having too little of the energy of a particular chakra. When you don’t speak your truth, it eventually catches up to you leading to many personal struggles

Clients ask me often why this is. Growing up many of those around us (teachers, parents, government, friends) constantly are telling us that is not correct to be in our lower chakras and it is better to be in our upper chakras where love makes its home along with spirituality. In doing this, it causes uncertainty on what is “right or wrong”, which then leads to an incredible imbalance. The throat chakra is a tough one for many to keep in balance and open. It is the chakra that many struggle with throughout their life.

Shadow integration is the realization that all our energy comes from one consciousness and we need it to ALL be whole. This can be a tough realization for many. When we don’t integrate the shadow aspects of ourselves, they come out in subconscious ways. Once we understand that we are everything, we can act more consciously and accept all of ourselves and others. Shadow integration creates true peace both inwardly and outwardly.

There are some wonderful crystals and a specific Rune that can be used in meditation to help open the throat chakra. When working on my throat chakra, I often hold the pieces while meditating, carry them with me through out the day, and put them under my pillow when I go to bed. They become a part of me while I do the work. My top three blue gemstones for working with my throat chakra are: amazonite, aquamarine, and lapis lazuli. All are very relaxing with soothing and healing vibrations. The rune of choice for the throat chakra is Ansuz——the rune of communication! Ansuz helps to release the tightening that can happen around this chakra when doing shadow work.

Shadow work almost always includes the healing work and practice of opening, balancing, and purifying the throat chakra within our bodies. It is an incredible energy center within our bodies that must be taken care of. Remember to be mindful of this and be good to your throat chakra. It is deserving!