The Power of Breath!

One of the most effective, yet simplest excercises to calm the mind and center in to divination is BREATH WORK! Doing proper breath work allows you to generate an excessive amount of strength in your own energy field. This strength can be used to be directed outward in your everyday life or it can also be used inward to elevate your vibrational level!

I encourage you to take a few moments each day to complete this excercise. Before you know it, it will become second nature. Begin by settling yourself in a comfortable position, with your feet on the floor and your hands loosely in your lap. Please try to do this excercise when you know you will not be disturbed for about 15 minutes. If you are more comfortable, you may also lay down for this excercise.

Please breath in for a count of ten, hold your breath for ten, and then breath out for the count of ten. Counts should be one second each. Breathe using the movement of your diaphragm working on the expansion and contraction of your lungs and rib cage. While exhaling, make sure you expel all the stale air that has accumulated in the recessed pockets in your lungs. Try to do this for several minutes at a time and then relax and feel the new energy surging through your body! You should feel some tingling throughout your body, especially in your hands as the excess energy flows off the tips of your fingers.

You may also find that one of your chakra centers is tingling more than any other. It is like the energy is settling in that area. That indicates the general chakra level you are working on in your consciousness at the present time is the one to master. There are seven main chakras or energy wheels that correspond to the following regions of the body: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and the crown chakra.

This does not restrict you from moving the energy from one region to another for meditation, nor does it indicate one level preference over another. Do not be surprised if your indicator points to a power chakra. We live in a powerful world and are working the power energies every day of our lives. I believe you will also find your heart region stimulated by this excercise, indicating your work in common with others on the path to master the force of universal love. To some degree, you may also feel the awakening of your psychic third eye, located in the center of your forehead, just about the bride of your nose.

I hope you find this breathing technique helpful. Feel free to use it daily. I have found it to be a lifesaver when I am especially stressed and dealing with a bit of anxiety. It has proven to be a helpful tool! It centers me quickly and brings me back into the present moment. Who does’t need that from time to time?

Be Well.

Life Is Short My Friends!

Gibu Alu~~ Traci

Traci Ainge