The Alchemy of Health

There are many traditions within alchemy that will help you better understand the healing process of the body physically and emotionally. In the Elder Northern tradition, the four elements are recognized. AIR-FIRE-WATER-EARTH. These were and continue to be the cornerstones in alchemical philosophy as well. The following is an overview of how alchemists saw the four elements contribute to healthy balances in the human body.

AIR—Breath Direction of EAST and overseen by Odin, the Sky God.

Leave windows open whenever possible. Breathe deeply and exhale thoroughly. Regular exercise is essential for efficient lungs and circulation! Get outside whenever you can and take those deep breaths!

FIRE-Metabolism and Digestion Direction of South and overseen by Balder, the Sun God.

Balance metabolism for harmony. Work hard mentally and physically to make the electrical fire of the nervous system, and the aura, healthier through use. When cells are active and energized, distribution of the life energy is harmonious and powerful!

EARTH-Diet and Exercise Direction of North and overseen by Freyja, the Earth Goddess.

Attain correct weight by adding or losing pounds. Find your current goal weight and then move forward to attain it. Exercise to strengthen organs and build muscle. Establish worthwhile and health enhancing nutritional habits. Eat organic whenever you possibly can.

WATER-Liquids Direction of West and overseen by Njord, the Water God.

Drink plenty of liquids, particularly water. Several glasses a day is ideal. Water is essential for lubrication of joints, blood condition, intercellular food and body issues. Water is the great working element of the entire body!!!

It is a known fact that given a fair chance, the body will heal itself with minimal assistance. The body has a built-in mechanism for healing itself. However, as conscious humans, we allow outer influences to get in the way of these natural mechanisms. It is our responsibility to see that this does not happen. We as humans have evolved into habits of living, which were not originally approved by nature and divine principles. We have taken ourselves away from intimate contact with the natural forces of the earth. We have taken ourselves away from the sun, from earth’s magnetism, from fresh fruits and veggies, from pure water and from clean energy. In this day and age, we find ourselves confined for hours in small spaces, stagnant air, and unnatural lighting. We are also ignoring the demands for rest, adequate nutrition and sufficient exercise. In hundreds of different ways, we are violating the laws of nature and the elements to obtain optimal health. This leads to pain and suffering, disease, and ill health.

HOWEVER, there is an answer! GET BACK TO NATURE as much as possible. Embrace the elements! Get back to earth. Get into the sunshine where warm energies nourish your inner psyche. Eat more fruits and veggies that Mother Nature has provided and take in fresh air that contains the vital forces of life. THEN, your Inner Self can function and exist harmoniously!