Develop Your Intuition!

There are so many ways and tools that one can use to train your intuition. Many times we are in training and not even aware! When we have a big question or an important decision to make, many of us look outside of ourselves for the answers.

We get advice from our friends and family. Google immediately becomes our go to. We read books or consult the teachings of experts. Those are all great tools, however, we often neglect to consult the most important authority of all: our own intuition.

Your subconscious mind is the source of your hidden genius and will always provide you with the knowledge you need to move forward in the right direction. This is true for all people, not just those who consider themselves to be psychic or highly intuitive.

Think about this: have you ever been thinking about someone – and out of the blue the phone rings and that exact person is on the line?

Or have you ever felt like someone is watching you – and when you turn around you see someone staring at you from some distance away?

These are just two common examples of your intuition at work. Just like memory, critical thinking, and intellect——your very own intuition is a mental muscle you can strengthen and use to create success and become the best possible version of yourself. How exciting is that?!?!?!?

Here are eight tips on how to develop your intuition and leverage it to make wiser, more soul-inspired decisions for your life——ones that YOU make!

  1. Practice making quick decisions on minor matters. Give yourself a ten second limit when ordering from a menu, deciding on a movie, buying an article of clothing, etc.

  2. Practice making predictions, going with the first thought that comes to mind. Predict the subject of tomorrow’s headlines, which line will get to go first, the winners of various awards, the amount of time you will wait in a traffic jam, etc.

  3. Cover the captions on newspaper photos and quickly state what is going on. Alternatively, cover the captions on shows and come up with your own ideas.

  4. Turn off the sound on your television and after five minutes of watching, describing the story. Alternatively, when you turn on your TV midway through a movie, time yourself as to how fast you catch onto the main theme and the key players in the story.

  5. After brief meetings with strangers, try to describe them in detail. Think of their family background, what may be their hobbies, their tastes in furniture, their reading preferences, entertainment choices and so on. Try to use mutual; acquaintances for confirmation, or get to know the person better and observe their patterns.

  6. Trade photographs or sketchy information on friends or acquaintances with one of your distant family members. Try to describe each other’s acquaintances from the photos. Or, o this with your ancestral photo album.

  7. Read adventure and mystery books and predict the ending.

  8. Practice your intuitive skills on everyday problems: lost pets/items, reading road maps, fix something without calling the experts, quickest commuter route to and from work etc.

We are all equipped with an intuition that is potent, trustworthy, and impeccably attuned to our true path. Whether you use it or not is up to you. Turn up the volume on that trustworthy inner voice that you have! Most importantly, have fun with these exercises!