Rune Energy to Direct Towards the Corona Virus!

Rune Energy can be so beneficial to use especially during challenging times such as what we are all currently facing around the Globe! I have four specific Runes that I am working with daily to assist with healing myself, others, and the planet from the Corona Virus.

Many have asked what Runes are beneficial to use during these unprecedented times of the Corona Virus. I thought I would share them here with you! I work with the energy of all 4 of these every single day. The first two, URUZ and ELHAZ, I carry with me daily, so that I can pull from their healing energy. If you don’t have a set of runes do not fret! There is a simple solution! The Runes can be drawn out on a piece of paper and carried with you. I will explain them from left to right from the picture.

URUZ— I direct this Rune’s energy for myself. It can be directed toward your personal general health and vitality. URUZ assists with self healing, as it strengthens your energy field from outside intrusions. Think of yourself being in the middle of URUZ. Both sides are drawing up healing energy from Mother Earth. You are standing in the middle of it and it is embracing you with healing energy.

ELHAZ-Again this is a Rune for your personal general health and vitality. ELHAZ assists with personal protection. It assists you to be courageous! It is the Rune of courage. We all need courage in order to face these current challenges! We are most certainly being tested. ELHAZ supplies the courageous insight necessary to make judgment calls during this crazy time. I always envision this Rune lifting me up and filling me with courageous energy.

For the collective, I cast and work with the energy of the last two of the four Runes.

ISA- This Rune helps constrict the energy of unwanted forces/energy (Covid). Think of ISA as ice. It freezes and stops unwanted energetic vampires. ISA can slow down the fire energy of something unwanted and solidify it, to stop its progression. ISA can control and quiet distress, which will extend stillness within this virus. We all need that at the moment. We are very close to being on the other side of this so that we can as a collective, heal.

MANNAZ-The energy of MANNAZ is one that is incredibly helpful. It assists in removing blinders to see things as they truly are. It is the Rune of human intelligence and a rational mind. Let’s not kid ourselves right now. It can be challenging with being in quarantine to stay rational. Several of us are feeling stir crazy. I know I am! I direct MANNAZ’S intellectual energy towards medical and holistic science to assist in finding a cure for the Corona Virus. THAT can not come soon enough!

If you have any questions on these Runes, any other of the 20 Runes, or how I work with them, always feel free to ask!! Much healing Runic energy sent your way!!! Together we will get through this! I have no doubt.

~~~ Traci