Spirituality of Life

Spirituality often times involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than oneself, that there is something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. Spirituality means knowing that our lives have significance in such a way that is past a boring and everyday existence. It means knowing that we are a significant part of a purposeful unfolding of Life in our own universe.

Spirituality involves exploring certain universal ideas such as love, compassion, life after death, wisdom and/or truth. This includes the knowledge that some people, such enlightened individuals have achieved and manifested higher levels of development than the “ordinary” person. Aspiring to manifest the qualities of such enlightened individuals often becomes an important part of the journey through life for people who strive to be spiritually inclined.

The spiritual journey involves first healing and affirming oneself, so that positivity is experienced. When one has a secure self-esteem, a belief in self-worth and a capacity for love and generosity, a person becomes less constrained by negative thoughts and actions. An opening of the heart is an essential aspect of true spirituality. The development of spirituality is generally recognised as requiring some sort of practice or discipline in order to make ‘progress'. This can involve the feeling of coming home to oneself. Contemplative practices such as prayer, meditation, and yoga are the foundation of spirituality. Without them, personal growth can be much slower. Often times a mentor or teacher is suggested to assist in the journey of spirituality. Spiritual development often involves spontaneous happenings that cannot be accounted for scientifically. Often times they may be attributed to an external force, such as a divine interventions.

Life can be full of ups and downs, good times and bad. Many people see spirituality as a great way to seek comfort and peace in their life. It can often be practised alongside things like yoga, which ultimately focus on stress relief and release of emotion. Spirituality recognises that your role in life has a greater value than what you do every day. It can relieve you from dependence on material things and help you to understand your life’s greater purpose. Spirituality can also be used as a way of coping with change or uncertainty. Everyone could use a little spirituality in their life!