2021....A 5 Year! What Does That Mean??

In Numerology, each calendar year adds up to a single-digit number, which holds a unique energetic influence and imprint. We all feel this energy, and it’s called the Universal Year. A Universal Year means that everyone on the planet will experience the energy of a particular number during the entire year, from January 1 until December 31. What is the number for the year 2021?

The way this number is calculated is quite easy!

2021 | 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5 In Numerology, the number 5 is the energy of instability. Its point of emphasis is in pushing boundaries, exploration, bringing in new ideas, and engaging an adventurous and fearless spirit. When we experience the energy of the 5 during a cycle of time, expect the unexpected! This is the right time to take the big leap and transform your life as you desire!!

This is the time that you will be willing and able to make those transition in your life. Now is the time! However, it is very important that you are aware of the company you are keeping. Transition is never easy, so it is imperative that you are aware of who you are surrounding yourself with. Another thing about 2021 is that there will be many distractions along the way! This year, you need to eliminate distractions that might prevent you from focusing on your goals. Make those daily lists and stay focused. Developing the right habits that foster growth and development are imperative.

It is very likely that this year, you will feel a strong pull for more freedom and spontaneity in your life. You must start living more freely! Get away from old routines and do things differently. Look for those new directions. A questions I often ask myself and my clients is, “When is the last time you did something you have never done before? “ It is a thought provoking question. Do not scatter your attention or spread yourself too thin, otherwise you may find yourself jumping from one thing to another without accomplishing anything. Your curiosity can lead to success or to disappointment, so make sure you focus on what truly means something to you.

Honesty is critical this year because freedom cannot flow outside of reality. Start by being honest with yourself. Very quickly you will see that honesty has nothing to do with laws, rules, and regulations. It has everything to do with straightforwardness, truth, and self-acceptance…again, starting with YOU! Head games Try to be genuine at all times and remember, it is not your job to be anyone else’s moral compass, but your own. Less judgement, more love.

Your pathways are more open now. The 5 Year has all the elements of being quick and ever changing. Get that roadmap in hand! If you set out confidently, with a specific destination in mind, you will be able to relax and enjoy these action-packed adventures. There may be some roadblocks in the way, however, set your sights high and experience the reality of change, adventure, and opportunity. Most importantly, always know the value of what YOU have to offer to the world! You are an incredible human. I believe in you, so should you!

Here is to an amazing and adventurous 2021!

Much love, ~Traci

Traci Ainge