Abundance Is Not All About Money!

Soooo many people associate abundance with money. That simply is not true! Wealth, and having a lot of money are considered symbols of abundance. However, abundance manifests in many other ways. It is not just about money and material objects.

The origin of the word abundance comes from Latin – ‘abundantia’. Abundance means plenty, or a very large quantity of something.

Abundance is everywhere in the Universe. It can also appear in your personal life, if you allow it to be so. Mother Nature is a prime example of abundance. She shows us this through the multitude of trees, plants, animals, and various forms of life, and also as an endless number of stars and Universes. New stars are constantly created, new trees grow, new people are born, and new sources of energy are discovered. The Universe seems to be constantly creating new things. How cools is that?!?! Even better?? YOU are part of this plenty. If you lack plenitude in life, more often than not it is because of some negative thoughts and your attitude possibly blocking it.

To attract abundance into your life, you need to feel abundant. You have to develop an “abundance consciousness”. “Abundance consciousness” means, becoming aware of the existence of plenty of everything, of feeling it in your life, and of connecting with it, even if it doesn’t seem to be a part of your life at this moment. This kind of consciousness means, feeling and believing that you are a part of it and it is part of your life. This kind of consciousness-awareness opens your mind to see it around you, and to recognize opportunities. “Abundance consciousness” breaks through the limiting beliefs of your mind and opens your mind to wider opportunities and a wider point of view.

If you feel that you are not part of the abundance of the Universe, it is because you don’t let yourself think in unlimited ways. You limit your thoughts to the things that exist in your life right now—not expanding your vision and horizons to greater opportunities. There is abundance in the Universe! We are all part of it, no matter where we live, and irrespective of one’s situation and circumstances. To participate in this wealth and richness, you need to open your mind to it! You must feel it, vision it, and expect it.

One of the ways to open your mind to abundance and to attract it into your life is through the power of what you visualize. What you repeatedly imagine in your mind, you ultimately achieve. Another way that can help you manifest abundance in your life is through the repetitions of one of my most favorite things….affirmations! These positive statements can open the gate to abundance! Pay very close attention to what you say and what you envision when you close your eyes at night and when you open them first thing in the morning. Positive self talk is critical!

So give it a try! Open you mind to abundance. See just exactly what all it can and will attract to and for you.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised!

Traci Ainge